Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Twice The Fun


Last week, Max Hasson and I climbed Liberty Bell twice in one day via Liberty Crack and Thin Red Line . The original intent was to add The Independence Route to the list, but after a few pitches of Liberty Crack, I realized we would have to "practice" the link up (which I have NO motivation to do...sorry!) to send all three in a reasonable day. No one shows up and knocks down The Nose record without some serious rehersal. The same goes for the East Face Triple. After leading Liberty Crack in 4.5 hours I realized I wasn't close to the speed I needed to be at. I had hoped to knock off the route in only 2-2.5 hours, but the heat, bugs, and general gumbiness (I haven't speed climbed in many years!) realigned our vision. Still, two routes on Liberty Bell's East Face gave plenty of fun climbing and a good day of training.

Check out http://www.maxhasson.com for a full report and some really cool shots!

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